Recess Shun!

The closest thing to reality in private jobs is losing yours!

Many have faced similar situations, either direct or friends bearing the brunt. We hear and sometimes, witness people losing their jobs. In any season, out of no reason!

But before it happens we can make it, more often than not, good.

Wondering how can we make it good? My statement holds correct only if we have done a few simple things. This is a tried and tested formula that I am about to share with you. But before that, a little insight

When we join a company, we give ourselves to whatever is required to do there. We become very committed and associated, which is very good and most required for any new joiner, because any job demands high amount of inputs. We get trained on new things...communication, operation systems, presentations and what not. We have your dedicated computer, desk, drawers, coffee, soup and tea to drink, followed by snacking, munching and cafeteria, training manuals, one on ones, team meetings, impossible targets to achieve, rule books, codes of conduct and what not! It becomes overwhelming at times.

So, the simple rule is to be honest and committed to your work. Never sit idle but ask for work when you don't have any. Else, learn something.

Above mentioned that we do on joining a company, is rhetoric and irrespective of its relevance to what we studied for, aspired to, or dreamed of!

Ever thought if the current job is taking you where you wanted to be? Or providing the support to achieve what you aspired for?

More often than not, it’s a negative! Why? Because on joining a company, we are so engrossed in everything that we seldom remember our original dreams. Instead, we customize our dreams according to the job.
Also the sheer happiness and ecstasy of getting a salary of your own is high in itself. We often feel that now I am getting whatever amount and will spend it off as I wish.

Eventually ending up in more of a no man’s land, where you have technical knowledge of the current job, reminiscences from the last time you studied, overwhelming state of getting a salary, handsome you may call it, friends from the industry, most of who lead you nowhere and a smart phone that often makes you dumb!

So ideally, you are lost! But all this can be ‘contained’ when time permits. Few simple rules:
  1. Stick to your basics: always keep in mind what you started off with, remember who you wanted to be, keep practicing, reading, reviewing what you have studied (graduate stream);
  2. Keep expenses to a minimum: Easier said than done, but keep yourself disciplined, plan your expenses, buy when you actually need it and not when it is cheap;
  3. Stay away from Credit: Credit cards are becoming more of a status symbol. But is it really worth it? Credit means borrowing money and that too at exorbitant rates of interest. Calculating up to a whopping 40%;
  4. Keep it simple: The formula I have lived by is as explained:
    1. Earnings minus Expenses = SavingsI get Rs.10,000/- in hand. My expenses work out to Rs.8,500/-. I then have just Rs.1,500/- to think of savings, whether or not I do any.
    2. Earnings minus Savings = ExpensesI get Rs.10,000/- in hand. I safeguard Rs.1,500/-. My expenses are then limited to be Rs.8500/- only.
  5. Avoid saving money by letting it remain in the bank as balance. Do a minimum of a Recurring Deposit, Fixed Deposit, or put it in a गुल्लक made of clay. The ideal saving should be 30% of your in hand salary, but as I think: ‘anything’ is better than ‘nothing’.
Now work up all the above mentioned to your own benefit. I can vouch of at least 7 people who have safe guarded themselves from recession. 

Take it as a Recess you have to Shun!


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