Ayurveda Diet | What Should You Eat and Why?

Ayurveda food has a lot of qualities and characteristics, on the basis of which they are classified:

  • 3 Grades (गुण)
  • 5 Elements (तत्व)
  • 3 Dosh (त्रिदोष)
  • 6 Tastes (रस)

We will discuss the 3 Grades (गुण):

Food is seen as a carrier of vital force. The type of food depends on how it affects our body and conscious mind. On the basis of its inherent properties, food is classified into 3 properties:

  • Sattva (pure, healthy)
  • Rajas (activity, passion, process of change)
  • Tamas (darkness, inertia)

Satva (Purity) - Satvik food

'Satvik' is derived from an ancient Sanskrit word 'Saatva' which means pure. These are sown, harvested, cooked and eaten after sunrise and before sunset; It is prepared without harming any organism and cooked according to the laws of nature.


This type of food is cooked with mild to moderate spices (without chilli and black pepper) and has a low fat content. Spices like fennel, cinnamon, ginger, coriander, turmeric, and cardamom are used in cooking Satvik.


This includes its natural forms such as milk and milk products, fresh and dried fruits, fresh vegetables (except garlic and onions). Whole grains, most pulses, sprouted grains, jaggery, honey, and natural oils such as homemade ghee, butter and cold-pressed oil, fall under the category of Satvik food.


This food can be digested easily and it keeps the mind balanced. It also builds immunity and is beneficial in the health of sick people.

Personality traits

Those who eat Satvik food are clear, balanced and spiritually aware. They do not usually consume stimulants such as alcohol, tea, coffee, tobacco and non-vegetarian food.

Rajas (activity, passion, process of change) - Rajasik food

This type of food was made in the royal houses, hence it is called Rajasik. It is heavy as well as refreshing. The Rajasik diet is freshly cooked and is also nutritious. It provides elation and excitement.


It contains more oil and spices than Satvik food and is cooked a little longer.


Includes meat, fish, eggs, all types of pulses, hot spices such as chilly, black pepper and all vegetables including onions and garlic.


It is extremely beneficial for people doing hard labour and sports persons.

Personality traits

Rajasik food eaters are positive, dynamic, work in a planned and well-organized manner. At the same time, they can also be positively aggressive, dominant and highly futuristic.

Tamas (darkness, inertia) - Tamasik food

Tamasi foods are foods that are not fresh, they range from fried to being rancid for a long time. Such food makes the body and mind sluggish. Excessive intake of these also causes inertia, confusion and disorientation.


This type of food is either canned or deep-fried.


Foods made with refined flour, pastries, pizza, burgers, chocolate, soft drinks, tea, coffee, tobacco, alcohol and preserved foods. Canned items such as jams, pickles, fried foods, sugar syrup, ice creams, puddings are included in this list. All spicy, salty and sweet foods are part of such a diet.


The only benefit of such food is that they are very tasty while eating. But its list of disadvantages is much longer, such as being lethargic, becoming less active, having intense mood-swings, feeling insecure and suffering from heart disease, diabetes, cancer and arthritis.

Personality traits

Consumption of tamasik food also leads to a sedentary lifestyle, unbalanced behavior with others and self-centredness. The digestive system, heart and mind also do not function properly.

Hope you found these 3 qualities good and beneficial. Do share this article so that other people can also benefit from it.

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