6 Habits to Become Successful

What is the one habit that you should develop now that will help you more than anything else, so much so that you can achieve your most important goals! A strong start is also critical for this and it is quite imperative to build Morning Rituals around this. 

Just follow these 6 Habits to Become Successful, well before it's too Late.

According to Aristotle, 95% of what you do is the result of Habit.

Many studies also show how the human body awakens. Not every morning is the same, but when you are trying to make sure that you don't do something that can spoil your day, you are already taking a big step toward improving your life.

6 things that one should never do in the morning

See your phone

If you start seeing your mobile phone the moment you open your eyes in the morning, not only is it bad for your eyes and mental state, but it also wastes precious time, which otherwise can be used better. Think, what is so important that you cannot wait for 45-50 minutes? The last post on Facebook, comments on a blog, or WhatsApp messages that someone sent even before you could?

Not open the curtain

Primarily our body's biological clock responds to light and darkness. It is affected by exposure to Sunlight. In case you wake up in the morning but keep your body away from sunlight, it will adversely harm it.

Leave your bed dirty

Admiral William H. McRaven of the US Navy once said that "If you want to change the world, start by making your bed." If you make your bed every morning, then you have completed the first task of the day. This will give you a small feeling of pride, and encourage you to do another, then another, and one more. By the end of the day, that one completed task will turn into many completed tasks. "

Not drink water

Our body is made up of 70% of water. Having slept for 6, 7, or 8 hours, there might arise a shortage of water in your body. So you should drink enough water kept at room temperature, as soon as you wake up. By doing this you will remain alert and the processes occurring in the body will begin.

Be negative

How you usually feel in life makes a lot of difference, so the way you think, and what you listen, read, or watch in the morning determines your entire day. Keep your thoughts positive, which will improve not only your day but also your life.

Press the snooze button

When you are in the midst of a sweet sleep, what could be worse than an alarm going off that you candidly set in your mobile phone? But we have also found a way out of that . . just press the Snooze button and dose off for a while more! Well, doing this can be very harmful to you and this surely is the worst possible way to start your day, the wrong way.


So would you like to make changes in your morning rituals? If yes, then do follow the suggestions given in this article and share if you found any differences.

Do share your suggestions and ideas along with your valuable comments, which will help us become even better. If you liked this article, share it with your family and friends.


  1. Very important and valuable points. Also a wonderfully written article.
    Keep them coming..


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